Sunday, September 19, 2010

FarmVille Re-Gifting Disabled Temporarily --- Well Hopefully

Due to some temporary technical glitches FarmVille has disabled its recently released feature of Re-Gifting to friends and neighbors.

The official spokesperson says:
"Hi everyone,
Due to recent technical issues that have arisen with the Re-Gifting feature, it has been temporarily been disabled until we are able to address these problems.
Thank you for your understanding during this time and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."
Hopefully it will be a temporarily removal and FarmVille regifting buttons will be back soon.
Are you missing them? 

FarmVille Guide for using Back Pack and Supplies to Help Children in Haiti

Here is the Official Zynga Guide for using FarmVille Back Pack and filling it with Supplies to help the needy children of Haiti.
The Haiti Campaign

Since October 2009 you have helped raise nearly $3 million for Haiti—money that proved to be especially needed in the weeks and months following the tragic earthquake in January 2010. Now you can help even more by helping building a new school for Haitian children, the L’Ecole De Choix (“The School of Choice”), in Mirebalais. Intended to meet the most pressing needs of those living in extreme poverty, the school will focus on quality education for the children of Central Plateau. How can you help?

You actually have two ways of helping out. You can help fill the Haiti Backpack with School Supplies, or you can give a direct donation and receive a permit to grow a special crop, Sweet Beets.

The Haiti Backpack

You'll receive the Haiti Backpack the first time you come back into FarmVille; you can choose to place it immediately on your farm or store it away from later (if you sell it, you can buy another in the Market for 1 coin). The Backpack needs to be filled with School Supplies, which can be acquired a number of ways: through the Free Gifts page, by asking for School Supplies via Facebook feed, by direct purchase of a pack of “5 Supplies” through the Market (for 5 Farm Cash), or by sharing extras:

Good Bye Mrs Pregnant Sow

Due to some recent glitches, FarmVille Pregnant Sow has been disabled. It seems that there have been some complications with her delivery.  
Here is the official word from Zynga:

"Hi everyone,
Due to recent technical issues that have arisen with the Pregnant Sow, this feature has been temporarily been disabled until we are able to address these problems. 
Thank you for your understanding during this time and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."
So Good Bye Mrs Sow - For the time being at least. I hope that she has not left us for Good and she is away for her Maternity Leave only. What do you say?  

FarmVille Sweet Seeds for Haiti - "L' Ecole de Choix" Loading Screen Series 2

If you have seen the First two Loading Screens for FarmVille "School of Choice" Series then you will surely like these two as well: Here is the 3rd Loading Screen of the series:
And finally the last Loading Screen for the series : FarmVille Sweet Seeds of Haiti "School of Choice" Series is here:

If you have not seen the previous two, then you may visit this link: FarmVille "School of Choice" Loading Screens - Part 1
Did you like these cute kids and have you bought Sweet Beets to help these adorable kids in need?

FarmVille Sweet Seeds for Haiti - "L' Ecole de Choix" Loading Screen Series

Here is a the first FarmVille Game Loading Screen of a series of thought provoking screens to persuade farmers to help the cause by plowing, planting and harvesting Sweet Beets for Haiti. So here is the first one:-

The second FarmVille loading screen can be seen below:-

The remaining Loading Screens can be viewed by clicking on this link: FarmVille "School of Choice" Loading Screens - Part II

Changes in Official FarmVille Podcast Schedule

Lately FarmVille Team has announced some changes in the issuance of FarmVille Official Podcast. Now the Podcast will be issued on Bi-Weekly or Fortnightly basis.

Here is the announcement from Farmville Team:
"Hi Farmers!
The FarmVille Podcasts will now be posted on a Bi-Weekly basis, as opposed to weekly. 
This decision has been made to improve the quality of the information we are able to provide. 
Due to this change, the next podcast will be posted on September 10th, 2010.
Thank you for your understanding!"
Source: Official Zynga Forums 
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